Henry VIII's son and daughters

Edward VI (1537 - 1553):

Brief Timeline of His Life

1537 - He was born October 12, 1537
1547 - Edward VI succeeded the throne of his father, Henry VIII. 
1547 - Edward Seymour, uncle of Edward VI, is put in as Duke of Somerset. 
1547 - The English army defeats the Scots at Pinkie Cleugh. 
1548 - The French send over 6,000 troops to prevent the English from gaining control of the Scottish 

- The First Act of Uniformity is passed, making the Roman Catholic mass and activities illegal.
1549 -  The First Book of Common Prayer is introduced, which changes the Church service from Latin to

1550 Edward Seymour the duke of Somerset is overthrown as Protector of England, and is replaced by
               John Dudley

1552 Edward Seymour of Somerset is executed 
1553 Edward VI died at Greenwich Palace. 

Images of Edward VI

  Allegorical painting of Henry VIII passing the throne to Edward VI

Edward VI painting when he was a young boy, “The Younger”by Hans Holbein.

How do people describe Edward VI?

Edward VI became king of England when he was only nine years old but also died early at the age of fifteen. People say Edward VI was intelligent, and his very interested in all the religious controversies on his time, and he was a supporter of the new Protestantism. He liked to argue theological issues with bishops. His Court religious teachers were John Knox, Ridley, Cranmer, Latimer and Hooper. People also speculate if only Edwards VI reigned longer England would have been different today.

How did Edward VI contribute to the Reformation?
Edward VI had a short reign only for 6 years but during those years he had done a remarkable job continuing what his father had started. He died while still a teenager. During his reign he made England a Protestant nation instead of Catholic.


Mary Tudor aka Bloody Mary (1516 - 1558)

Brief Timeline of Her Life
1516 - She was born in February 8, 1516 at Greenwich Palace.
 1553 - Lady Jane Grey is proclaimed Queen by the Duke of Northumberland.
 1554 - She marries to King Philip of Spain. 
 1554 - Parliament meets to re-establish Catholicism in England 
 1556 Cardinal Reginald Pole is appointed the Archbishop of Canterbury. 
 1556 Thomas Cranmer, former Archbishop of Canterbury was burned.
 1556 - Philip becomes King of Spain.
 1557 England declares war on France as an ally of Spain. 
 1558 - Port of Calais, the last English possession in France, is captured by the French. 
 1558 - She dies at St. James Palace in London. 

Images of Mary I

Princess Mary's portrait in 1544

Mary Tudor with husband King Felipe of Spain

How do people describe Mary I?

As most people believed Elizabeth I is a good queen while Mary I is the bad guy. People nicknamed her as Bloody Mary because she executed many Catholics on the time of her reign.

How did Mary I contribute to the Reformation?
When Queen Mary married the Spanish King Philip she became devotedly to Catholism. She then tried to undo her father and brother's Anglican church, considered Protestant, and was well known for executing anyone found worshiping in a Protestant way or not properly attending Catholic services.


Elizabeth I aka “The Virgin Queen” (1533 - 1603)

Brief Timeline of Elizabeth I

1533 - She was Born September 7, 1533 at Greenwich Palace
1558 Elizabeth succeeds to the throne on the death of her half-sister, Mary. 
1559 - Acts of Supremacy and Uniformity make Elizabeth Head of the Church of England. 
1559 - The Revised Prayer Book of Elizabeth I is issued.
1560 - Elizabeth founds Westminster School 
1563 - John Foxe’s The Book of Martyrs, the story of religious persecution, is published in England. 
1568 - Mary Queen of Scots, flees to England from Scotland and is imprisoned by Elizabeth. 
1570 - The Pope excommunicates Queen Elizabeth from the Catholic Church.
1579 - Francis, Duke of Alencon, secretly comes to England, to try and marry Elizabeth.
1603 - Elizabeth I dies at Richmond Palace, Surrey. 

Images of Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I, manner of George Gower

Elizabeth I in her coronation robes

How do people describe Elizabeth I?

People describe Elibeth I as a good queen she is one of England’s most influential ruler.
She never married or sired any children, so she took on the nickname "Virgin Queen." She earn the respect of her people just as like her father Henry VIII unlike her sister who had been hated and unfortunate.

How did Elizabeth I contribute to the Reformation?
Elizabeth I change the reformation which her sister Queen Mary had previously reinstated. She saw the passing of the Act of Supremacy and Act of Uniformity, which made her legally head of the Church of England. During her reign she ordered all people of England to attend Church services every Sundays.